Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Unit: 66/67 3D Modelling Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Be able to devise 3D models

Client Brief/Own Brief:

The Client brief is for the game to relate to the movie "Killer Klowns from Outer Space". The brief can be interpreted in many ways and is left open for us to do so.

Below is a link to my blog which contains my own briefs and ideas for the game. It includes three different game brief ideas and model ideas.


Below is my Padlet link. My Padlet contains lots of ideas for the models that I am going to create to be put into my game. It contains a few ideas for the environment, the weapons, the enemy models, colour schemes and generates the atmosphere that I want to create.


Video Link: 


Legal & Ethical Considerations:

 Killer Clowns in the Media: In late 2016 around October time was a huge "craze" of Killer Clowns. The craze originally started off in America and then it began to spread to the UK. With this craze, it left the subject of creating a game about the film "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" sensitive. Therefor this being a sensitive subject it may be difficult to gain public interest. Many news reporters and the general public has reported many sightings of people dressed up as clowns, many were suspected to be wielding weapons whereas few others were dressing up to genuinely scare others.
The link below is a reference to where the craze started and where it spread to. Furthermore, of suspected people dressed up as a clown and potentially holding a weapon.
This link below is another example of the news reporting sightings of killer clowns in the UK.

Age Rating: Legally, the game would need be appropriately rated. PEGI have a system which The age rating that I would give my game is a 16. I have read up on the PEGI ratings system and looked through each of the PEGI age ratings to see which one best fits the game idea I have in mind. PEGI 16 is a rating which allows violence/sexual activity which is how it would play out in real life. PEGI 18 on the other hand takes it to the next level to the point where this violence becomes gross violence, something that would make the player "feel a sense of revulsion".

Religion: The game taps into the religious side slightly as in the brief I created, I had the idea of a spirit in a doll. The spirit would be a young girl which was killed by the enemies in the game (the Killer Klowns) and she seeks revenge however, she helps you out so you do not end the same way as her. There are many different views upon ghosts/possession and dark spirits. As possession/ghosts and dark spirits are a sensitive subject, understanding the full potential behind the three and defining what sort of "spirit/possession/ghost" this is, is quite difficult. After doing some research, possession usually falls under the definition of a "demon" and devising the dialogue for the young girl, I would not want her to use the wrong terminology.

Gender/Race: If left all the clowns to be male and the main character to be female there would be many interpretations into what this means. The interpretations could either be seen in a positive light or a negative one. For example, the female is no longer a damsel in distress which needs to be saved, furthermore she is the main character and not a supporting role to a male. A negative could be seen as, if the enemies are all male then it means that there would be no female villains and would then place a bad name on men as if they are the only ones that would kill and women would not. The enemies are going to be mixed race and mixed in gender. I have took into consideration the race of the main character and she is going to be a British young female whereas the race of the enemies and the young spirit is mixed.


When wanting to import my own textures that I create for the landscape in Unreal Engine 4 and for models in Maya, I figure that it would be best to save the images as "Save for Web" or "Taiga" as this would then keep the resolution and it would reduce the file size. Another consideration is to keep the poly count down at a nice number due to the amount of models that it going to be implemented within the game. I wouldn't want the poly count down too low due to the style I would like my game to portray. The constraints that I have is time, making the models, texturing them and them importing them and placing them in Unreal consumes a lot of time so I the pre-production planning would come in handy and would help me keep focused on what I want to create and not just creating/texturing models from no-where.

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