Thursday, 7 January 2016

Survivor - Story Telling

(Summary of notes)


Kate Abott
-Motivation: Her friends died in 9/11, she wanted to protect civilians

-Kate's Friend

-Motivation: To protect Kate, She was a suspect throughout

-Motivation: To keep his son alive, he got 5 different people working with gases into the country

Watchmaker (Assassin)
-Motivation: Money (Creating attacks to gain money)

Main Assassin employer
- Motivation: Money (From markets after attacks)

Started off in Afghan, there was a war going on and one person from the helicopter which crashed was saved due to his relations. A crew of people working in the airport was checking visas for anyone who worked within the science department. The crew kept getting distracted by bill and this allowed him to give access to the scientific gas people into the country. A bomb was made by the Watchmaker to kill the crew of people working in the airport (Kate, Naomi etc) and a dinner was reserved in a restaurant. The bomb went off in the restaurant, Kate being the only survivor and this ended the beginning of the story.

The Watchmaker continuously tries to kill Kate throughout of the middle section of the story.  Kate begins to unravel the reasons why these 5 people were allowed into the country and what they were planning. She was also continuously being tracked down by the government as a suspect as they believed she was behind the attacks. Furthermore, Kate and Sam figure out why Bill was letting these 5 people into the country by going in a padlocked room which was the room of the soldier that was kept hostage in Afghan. Kate tracks one of the people that was allowed into the country (The one with the dead wife, who was killed by Americans) and followed him to New York.

The end section started when she got on the plane to New York. She figures out by watching the news what the real plan was. The main guy working with the gases was making a gas to replace the cooling gas which is used to cool down the LEDs in the new years eve ball. After time, Kate makes her way to where the Watchmaker and the gas guy was and interfered with him about to shoot an explosive bullet into the new years eve ball. The Watchmaker falls over the edge and Kate saves Millions of lives.
{End of Film}

The main plot was for the Assassin Employer and the Assassin to get billions of money from these explosive attacks.

(Notes taken during the film)


War – One guy is a survivor the other gets killed
Looking for anyone with scientific expertise (Applicants)
Checking passports – Recently processed scientists
Package passed on to someone
Package delivered to restaurant which is where the visa checker people are dining – (Bomb)
Bomb Went off in restaurant – Katie only survivor out of the visa checker people


Guy trying to kill Naomi with pistol
background check on Katie
Bill tried to shoot kate – Kate shot Bill
Guy took Bills ID
Paul suspects Katie
Bomb guy can now track everyone’s visa checker ID cards
Bomb guy used a sniper to shoot a barrel thing, exploded quarter of building
They suspect Katie did the stuff
“The Watchmaker” – Potentially bomb guy name
lisa meets kate at train station – bomb guy there too
paul Anderson and his peeps chasing Katie in the underground
small explosive pushed Katie over – bomb guy about to kill but she hit him and ran off
Sam finds Katie –apartment – Watchmaker (Bomb guy) Tracks her
Bills son – padlocked bedroom- Survived guy from the start,
The watchmaker exploded the door – sam injured
people think kate tried to kill sam
Security breech at main place – she took a hard drive?
Trying to stop one guy from getting on the plane
Way for the main guy to make money – not acts of terror or political statement

One suspect (wife died guy) working with gases


Katie at airport – managed to get a flight –searching the 5 suspects
Katie being tracked in U.S
Potential bomb in times square – Uses cooling gases
Guy attacks kate
Kate tracks down the main gas guy
Watchmaker with the gas guy (Making a sniper again)
Watchmaker kills/hits gas guy
Katie interferes with watchmaker guy (About to shoot ball)
Katie saves the day by putting the watchmaker assassin over the edge
She saved a million people – roughly speaking -


Guy at the beginning was Bills son
They used bills son because bill was head of the visa checks thing at the airport
Bill managed to get 5 people into the city
These people work with gases
The watchmaker is an assassin and tried to kill all the new visa check people including kate so that they were able to get into the city easier
The watchmaker has continuously been trying to kill kate
- Main event is the bomb at times square – new years eve ball
{Not acts of terrorism – all for market money – Also for revenge on the Americans (guessing for killing his wife}