Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Unit 73: Sound

P2 Understand the methods and principles of sound design and production
Research and explain when you would use the following sound formats and why?

Sound file formats
Uncompressed: eg wav, aiff, au, smp, voc.
Lossy compression: eg mp3, ra, and vox.

Uncompressed file formats such as wav and aiff will be used on platforms such as blu-ray discs as they can handle having much larger files on them. Uncompressed files will not lose any data, which means that they are much larger files, but the sound quality will be much higher and you also will not lose any data from the sound. This format is ideal for platforms that can handle files of a larger size, and generally are seen on blu-ray discs and CD's, and will be played on higher end consoles such as PS$ and the Xbox One.

Lossy compression is more suitable for platforms that cannot handle large file sizes, such as the sounds for mobile games and older, retro games. Lossy compression compresses the original file to around 1/10th of the size of the original, which means it loses a lot of data but is a much smaller file size. They are ideal for mobile games which need to be smaller in size due to the technical limitations of the mobiles.

Audio Sampling
How can resolution and bit-depth constrain file size?

Bit depth is the number of bits of information in each sample, and it directly corresponds to the resolution of each sample. By raising the bit depth of the file, the resolution will also rise, and thus you will have a higher quality of sound. However, this comes at the cost of increasing the file size to compensate for the increased bit depth and resolution. This means that by having a higher bit depth you will have a higher resolution and quality of your sound, but the file size will be much larger, meaning that you have to be careful where you use sounds with higher bit depth. For example, a Blu-ray disc can support up to 24 bits per sample, which means it can have a higher sound resolution and quality, and can also handle the higher file size.

2. Explain what the following words mean:

Sample rate: The amount of samples carried per second, it can be measured in both Hz or Khz.
Mono: Sound that only comes from one channel, and goes out to two speakers.
Stereo: Sound that comes from two channels to two speakers.
Surround: Sound that comes from multiple channels, and that goes to multiple speakers surrounding the listener.

Audio Limitations of Games Platforms

How can the following information limit the recording of sound?

DSP - Digital Signal Processor: Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is the study of digital representation of signals. This is a technique intended to analyze and process real time signals (or analog signals). Analog signals are those, which are represented for all values of time. Digital Signals are obtained from analog signals by a process called Sampling, which involves extracting sample values of the analog signals at regular intervals of time. This process is called Analog-to-Digital Conversion and the system performing this activity is called the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).

The following are a few of the limitations of Digital Signal Processing.

Processing of signals involves more power consumption
Processing of signals beyond higher frequencies (beyond GHz) and below lower frequencies (a few Hz) involves limitations
Information is lost because we only take samples of the signal at intervals .

RAM - Random Access Memory: Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage. A random-access memory device allows data items to be accessed (read or written) in almost the same amount of time irrespective of the physical location of data inside the memory.
For larger projects you will need a lot more RAM, but for smaller projects you can usually get away with having smaller amounts of RAM such as 4GB.

File Formats: File formats limit the recording of sounds in multiple ways. For example, file formats such as MP3 are compressed a lot in order to decrease the file size, meaning that you lose a lot of the information on the file when it is being recorded, whereas uncompressed file formats such as WAV allow you to record without losing any data, which gives a much higher sound quality. Furthermore, file formatting can be limited to what operating system you are using as WMA can only be used when recording on a windows machine.

Audio Output: Mono output can sound flat and boring, whereas surround sound is much more immersive for the listener. However, the issue with surround sound is that it takes a very specific set up to use, and also cannot be used with certain platforms for games, such as mobile games. Mono doesn't sound the greatest but can generally be used on most platforms. Stereo sound is a good all rounder the can be used on the majority of platforms and offers a decent listening experience with a much easier set-up, but does not offer the same immersive experience of that of surround sound.

PCM - Pulse Control Modulation: The samples are very dependent on time, meaning that you need a very accurate clock on hand in order to create the best sound. Furthermore, between the samples nothing else is taken, meaning that it might miss some information and therefore lower the quality of the sound. Finally, not choosing a value that is not correct to the analogue level for each sample can leave to errors
Audio Recording Systems
In what types of scenario may you use the following audio recording equipment?

Multi-track recording - A method of sound recording that allows for the separate recording of multiple sounds sources or sound sources at different times to create a cohesive whole. Multitrack recording was a significant technical improvement in the sound recording process, because it allowed studio engineers to record all of the instruments and vocals for a piece of music separately. This allowed the engineer to adjust the levels and tone of each individual track, and if necessary, redo certain tracks or overdub parts of the track to correct errors or get a better "take."

MIDI-Multi instrument interface - MIDI is a protocol which can send a message to a specific instrument, meaning it tells the instrument what sound to use. With just a cable, you could play one keyboard and hear the sound of both keyboards without having to press the keys of the second keyboards.

DAT - DAT (Digital Audio Tape) is a standard medium and technology for the digital recording of audio on tape at a professional level of quality. A DAT drive is a digital tape recorder with rotating heads similar to those found in a video deck. Most DAT drives can record at sample rates of 44.1 kHz, the CD audio standard, and 48 kHz. DAT has become the standard archiving technology in professional and semi-professional recording environments for master recordings. Digital inputs and outputs on professional DAT decks allow the user to transfer recordings from the DAT tape to an audio workstation for precise editing. The compact size and low cost of the DAT medium makes it an excellent way to compile the recordings that are going to be used to create a CD master.
Analogue - Has a more real sound quality than digital as it hasn't been converted and lost data from changing form the analogue to digital. However, is more likely to have noise and interference when recording. It is also more expensive to use that digital. Good for when you want sounds to feel more authentic and real.

Software plug-ins - Can be used to emulate different sounds, and be used to create different music and sounds without having to record as it is all included in the software. Examples include software like Audacity and Adobe Audition.

Software Sequencer - Software sequencer is a class of application software providing a functionality of music sequencer, and often provided as one feature of the DAW or the integrated music authoring environments. The features provided as sequencers vary widely depending on the software; even an analog sequencer can be simulated. The user may control the software sequencer either by using the graphical user interfaces or a specialized input devices, such as a MIDI controller.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Appleseed Alpha

Appleseed Alpha


Special Cyborg, Main character
Motivation: Protect Deuman, clear debts.

Female Human, Main Character
Motivation: Find Olympus, start a new life.

Half man/Half Cyborg
Motivation: To destroy the secret weapon, protect Iris

Female Human, Main character
Motivation: To destroy the secret weapon, make a better world

Motivation: Wanting the secret weapon, to gain more power than what he had.

Two Horns:
Motivation: Money


At the beginning of the movie, you start off with the two main characters; Bri and Deunan. They are currently trying to finish a mission in which they failed. We are then introduced to Two Horns who was the one they needed to finish the mission off for. We learn that Bri had owed Two Horns a debt and was paying off the debt by doing missions for him. Bri and Deunan pick up a new mission and head out to a deserted town. A car with 3 cyborgs and a girl drives into the town where Bri and Deunan are and they don't release the town is filled with drones. Bri and Deunan save one cyborg and girl from the drones. The cyborg and girl are Olson and Iris.

Bri and Deunan help the pair out with their mission which is not told yet. We are then introduced to the Triton group (Talas being the leader, the white and gold cyborg) and they are tracking down where the girl is. Talas pays a visit to Two Horns asking for the girl and then he kills him. However, turns out Two Horns isn't dead and now is after Bri and Deunan. After Two Horns finds Bri, Deunan, Olson and Iris, he tries to kill Bri. Iris steps in and throws a grenade under the tank, essentially blowing up the tank and killing them. Then Talas kidnaps Iris and Olson and takes them away in a chopper. Bri and Deunan follow Olson's tracker to try and get them back. Olson is shot dead after Talas finds out the information he needed from Olson by force. (Where the secret weapon is). Bri and Deunan find Olson dead and take the microchip from his hand. They begin to understand what the secret mission was. Whilst this is happening, Two Horns has changed his find and goes after Talas.

Talas and Iris go to the area where the secret weapon is kept. Bri and Deunan are not far behind and also enter the secret area. A battle begins between the cyborgs who follow Talas and Bri and Deunan. Two Horns arrive with Matthews and Matthews gives Deunan a cyborg suit to wear. The battle continues and Deunan goes after Talas and Iris who are now in the secret weapon in which is a prototype. Iris is forced to power up the weapon and soon after Talas realises he can't control it. The prototype weapon looks like a giant spider and crawls out the secret area. Deunan manages to catch up with it and gets on board. After taking out a few turrets, her suit breaks and she makes it inside the weapon with the help of Two Horns. Talas is about to hurt Iris until Deunan steps in and shoot hims a few times. After the death of Talas, Iris and Deunan notice that the prototype weapon is on a course to New York to self-destruct (that was what it was made for). Iris then sacrifices herself  to keep the shields down so that Bri can shoot the engine and destroy the weapon. Deunan makes it out and is given a suit from Two Horns and Matthews as a thank you for saving the city. Bri and Deunan then go off to find Olympus, the city of salvation.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Unit 73: Sounds for computer games

Task 1: List a range of music/FX sources

1.   http://www.sfxsource.com/
2.   http://opengameart.org/
3.   http://www.indiegamemusic.com/
4.   http://www.freesound.org/
5.   https://www.jamendo.com/
6.   http://superflashbros.net/as3sfxr/
7.   http://www.freesoundeffects.com/
8.   http://www.freesfx.co.uk/
9.   http://www.freestockmusic.com/
10. http://acoustica.com/sounds.htm 

(i) Royalty Free Music sites
(ii) Asset Store
(iii) Producing your own sounds/music
(iv) Buy the rights to the music

Task 2: List 3 or more games and explain the purpose of the music within the game

Until Dawn:

1. Until Dawn

When you are playing the game and are being chased by an enemy in the game, the speed of the music increases as you are being chased. This is done to signify the fact that you need to move fast and adds to the tension to the game. Coupled with the ticking sound effect when you have to make a fast, important decisions, the game can very tense very quickly, especially in the dangerous situations where you have to react quickly to the scenario that you are in. Furthermore, when you discover an object in the game relating to the story or background behind the game, the game uses a sound effect to show that you have found a clue within the game in order let the player know that they have done something right, and are advancing the game. The intro song is called "O, Death" which is a fitting title for the game. This song has a slow tempo. The ending song called "Final Confrontation" is a soundtrack which is very tense and raises in pitch.

2. Super Mario
When you collect a coin, the game makes a sound effect which is like a coin drop that has become iconic within video game sound effects. The sound effect is there in order to signify that you have collected a coin and are therefore gaining points within the game. Furthermore, when you jump on top of an enemy it creates a sound that signifies that the enemy has died.

3. The Last of Us
In The Last of Us the game signifies that there are enemies present as you can hear the sounds that they make. For example, the clickers make clicking sounds surprisingly, and that lets you know that the enemies are around. Furthermore, when the enemy has noticed you, they begin to make a lot more noise, which helps to create an atmosphere of fear and panic. Also, the frequency of the sounds goes up, telling the player that it is time that they started running away fast else they are going to get caught and killed by the enemy. Finally, when all the enemies have been eliminated, the main characters in the game will either have a conversation, or say something that will signify that all the enemies have been defeated, which is done so the player can begin to relax and explore the area in safety without worrying about the threat of dying.
The main theme of the song fits with the game. The mix of the different guitar sounds, the low pitch and the high pitch, and the sound of the shaker percussion create an atmosphere of a wasteland.

Task 3: Legal considerations needed when obtaining or using Music/Fx

Copyright - Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time, with the intention of enabling the creator to receive compensation for their intellectual effort. Copyright law originated in the United Kingdom from a concept of common law; the Statute of Anne 1709. It became statutory with the passing of the Copyright Act 1911. The current act is the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and typographical arrangement of published editions, rights to control the ways in which their material may be used. The rights cover; broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting, issuing, renting and lending copies to the public. In many cases, the creator will also have the right to be identified as the author and to object to distortions of his work. International conventions give protection in most countries, subject to national laws.

Libel - Libel is a method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures, signs, effigies, or any communication embodied in physical form that is injurious to a person's reputation, exposes a person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or injures a person in his/her business or profession. Libel and slander are types of defamatory statements. Libel is a written defamatory statement, and slander is a spoken or oral defamatory statement.

Terms of use:
(For superflashbros.com/as3sfxr) https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/


ASA - Code of Conduct


PRS - Performing Rights Society

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Survivor - Story Telling

(Summary of notes)


Kate Abott
-Motivation: Her friends died in 9/11, she wanted to protect civilians

-Kate's Friend

-Motivation: To protect Kate, She was a suspect throughout

-Motivation: To keep his son alive, he got 5 different people working with gases into the country

Watchmaker (Assassin)
-Motivation: Money (Creating attacks to gain money)

Main Assassin employer
- Motivation: Money (From markets after attacks)

Started off in Afghan, there was a war going on and one person from the helicopter which crashed was saved due to his relations. A crew of people working in the airport was checking visas for anyone who worked within the science department. The crew kept getting distracted by bill and this allowed him to give access to the scientific gas people into the country. A bomb was made by the Watchmaker to kill the crew of people working in the airport (Kate, Naomi etc) and a dinner was reserved in a restaurant. The bomb went off in the restaurant, Kate being the only survivor and this ended the beginning of the story.

The Watchmaker continuously tries to kill Kate throughout of the middle section of the story.  Kate begins to unravel the reasons why these 5 people were allowed into the country and what they were planning. She was also continuously being tracked down by the government as a suspect as they believed she was behind the attacks. Furthermore, Kate and Sam figure out why Bill was letting these 5 people into the country by going in a padlocked room which was the room of the soldier that was kept hostage in Afghan. Kate tracks one of the people that was allowed into the country (The one with the dead wife, who was killed by Americans) and followed him to New York.

The end section started when she got on the plane to New York. She figures out by watching the news what the real plan was. The main guy working with the gases was making a gas to replace the cooling gas which is used to cool down the LEDs in the new years eve ball. After time, Kate makes her way to where the Watchmaker and the gas guy was and interfered with him about to shoot an explosive bullet into the new years eve ball. The Watchmaker falls over the edge and Kate saves Millions of lives.
{End of Film}

The main plot was for the Assassin Employer and the Assassin to get billions of money from these explosive attacks.

(Notes taken during the film)


War – One guy is a survivor the other gets killed
Looking for anyone with scientific expertise (Applicants)
Checking passports – Recently processed scientists
Package passed on to someone
Package delivered to restaurant which is where the visa checker people are dining – (Bomb)
Bomb Went off in restaurant – Katie only survivor out of the visa checker people


Guy trying to kill Naomi with pistol
background check on Katie
Bill tried to shoot kate – Kate shot Bill
Guy took Bills ID
Paul suspects Katie
Bomb guy can now track everyone’s visa checker ID cards
Bomb guy used a sniper to shoot a barrel thing, exploded quarter of building
They suspect Katie did the stuff
“The Watchmaker” – Potentially bomb guy name
lisa meets kate at train station – bomb guy there too
paul Anderson and his peeps chasing Katie in the underground
small explosive pushed Katie over – bomb guy about to kill but she hit him and ran off
Sam finds Katie –apartment – Watchmaker (Bomb guy) Tracks her
Bills son – padlocked bedroom- Survived guy from the start,
The watchmaker exploded the door – sam injured
people think kate tried to kill sam
Security breech at main place – she took a hard drive?
Trying to stop one guy from getting on the plane
Way for the main guy to make money – not acts of terror or political statement

One suspect (wife died guy) working with gases


Katie at airport – managed to get a flight –searching the 5 suspects
Katie being tracked in U.S
Potential bomb in times square – Uses cooling gases
Guy attacks kate
Kate tracks down the main gas guy
Watchmaker with the gas guy (Making a sniper again)
Watchmaker kills/hits gas guy
Katie interferes with watchmaker guy (About to shoot ball)
Katie saves the day by putting the watchmaker assassin over the edge
She saved a million people – roughly speaking -


Guy at the beginning was Bills son
They used bills son because bill was head of the visa checks thing at the airport
Bill managed to get 5 people into the city
These people work with gases
The watchmaker is an assassin and tried to kill all the new visa check people including kate so that they were able to get into the city easier
The watchmaker has continuously been trying to kill kate
- Main event is the bomb at times square – new years eve ball
{Not acts of terrorism – all for market money – Also for revenge on the Americans (guessing for killing his wife}


Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Story Telling

Task One and Task Two:

COD: Ghosts Campaign (Story)
The Ghosts campaign was the first Call of Duty campaign that I had bothered to play out of the many Call of Duty games I have player. The reason why it interested me was the setting of where you play your first mission and the things you get to do throughout the campaign such as climbing down the side of a broken building. The setting of the first mission was in space. I absolutely love space so this was a great start for me. You had to kill the federation soldiers whom hijacked the ODIN to destroy many cities in the south of America. As you are in space, there is no gravity inside of the ODIN so it makes it that bit more fun shooting the enemies within the ODIN.
The campaign revolves around a “super” government I guess you could say in which is called Federation. Federation are a large group of countries from South America in which invaded all of U.S.A. You play as a “Ghost”. The Ghosts are a bunch of people who were a part of the elite U.S Special Operations who are trying to capture Rorke. Rorke is the guy in which was part of the Ghosts elite team however he was captured, tortured and brainwashed and now works with the federation. He is pretty much the main enemy here. You spend most of the campaign trying to capture Rorke but you do it in style.

ARK: Survival Evolved (No Story)
This game has no story line to it. This game is still an early access game until June 2016. However, what made this game really interesting for me was that, you play as a female or male with absolutely nothing to start off with. You have to survive on an island full of dinosaurs and you either try to survive on your own or make a tribe with other players. It is possible to play single player or you can play on multiplayer however that then makes two enemies in which you need to fight against, people and dinosaurs. You can tame the dinosaurs and put saddles on them, you can level up yourself to become stronger or better at doing things and you can level up your dinosaur to become quicker or deadlier. What makes this game so interesting is that there is a lot of the map that you can explore, you can tame dinosaurs, build amazing bases, explore the different biomes and find ways to deal with the ever changing weather, create armour for yourself, paint your structures, play on war drums, scuba dive and do so much more.

Black Ops 2 (Zombies) (Story)
The zombies’ mode in COD: Black Ops 2 is very interesting to me. If you complete the Easter eggs in which are contained in all of the DLC maps and in the maps you get for free, you really understand how the zombie apocalypse started and how Samantha became in control in the first COD: Black Ops zombies. The final DLC map in Black Ops 2 (Origins) contains a really lengthy Easter egg in which the players need to complete. When you finally finish the Easter egg you are presented with a cut scene. The cut scene shows that it was all just a game that was being played by two children. One of those children was Samantha. You see that she has toys of the zombies and the characters that you have played in the previous DLC maps, she has chalk drawn on the wall to show where you would usually purchase a gun, she has a toy box which has a question mark on it which shows the random box in which you would usually pay to gain a random chosen gun in the box and so on. One of the DLC maps do not connect to the main story behind Zombies however, it has a story of its own. This map is the “Mob of the dead” map. This map is set in Alcatraz and the characters are four famous people who were in Alcatraz. You first start of as a ghost I guess you could say and you can revive yourself. You figure out that after you have completed the Easter egg, you realise that you kept being brought back to life and going through the same cycle over and over again. When you complete the Easter egg, it ends with the text “The cycle is broken” and this means that you have finally stopped the characters from experiencing the cycle over and over. The cycle is that they would be fighting off the zombies, dying and then coming back to life.

I AM BREAD:(Story)

I AM BREAD has a story mode in which you can play. I haven’t played much of the story mode however I believe it is a really fun game to play (but very difficult). The story is that you play as a slice of bread and you have to become toast, however the owner of the house you are in begins to figure out that you are no ordinary slice of bread. Mr Murton (the owner of the house in which the slice of bread is in) goes to the Therapy Barn often to deal with his stress. However, his therapist thinks he is crazy as Mr Murton tells him that his house is being trashed every day due to the slice of bread (which is you as you are trying to become toast).

Sims 4: (No Story)
Sims 4 is a game in which you create your own story if you wanted to. You play as a character that you have designed and you can either create a group of people to live with in a home that you have created or you can live on your own. You can decide what relationship they have with you too. Once you have created your character or group of people, you have to look after your sim, you feed them, make them go to the toilet, have a bath, stimulate a mood for them and so on.

Pokémon Sapphire (Story)
Pokémon Sapphire has two stories in it. The first main story is how you are trying to stop team aqua from reviving the ancient Pokémon “Kyogre”. You start off the game in a moving van as you are moving to a new little town in the Hoenn region. You gain your first Pokémon by saving the Professor from a wild Pokémon and then he asks to choose a Pokéball which contains your life long buddy. You meet Team Aqua on a number of occasions and you have to battle them to win over what item they are trying to retain or to stop them from completing a certain event. You gain items such as a meteorite from Team Aqua as this is actually a mega evolution stone for rayquaza in which you find out in the special episode after you have defeated the elite four. The special episode called the “Delta” episode involves the character of Zinnia. We find out a back story of Zinnia. It turns out that Zinnia is a LoreKeeper who is someone who has to protect the world. She tries to summon Rayquaza so that she and Rayquaza can destroy the meteorite that is heading towards the region. You also find out about Aster, who is her dead daughter. We learn that Zinnia is an emotionally strong character too.

Elder Scrolls Online (Story)
You start of the game with a tutorial on how to play the game. However, this tutorial is the start of the story too. The tutorial starts with you in Coldharbour and you have been set free from a cell, you free the prophet and he tells you that Molag Bal has your soul (Molag Bal is the villain). When you have finished the tutorial, you are set out into Tamriel to explore the lands, complete quests and save those lands from Molag Bal's minions. As you progress throughout the game, main story quests will pop up and you have to save 2 out of the 4 companions from Cold Harbour. You can choose whether to do these main story quests or not, is it not forced upon the player. However, if you want to explore the rest of Tamriel than you do have to do the main story quests, fighters guild quests, mages guild quests and be level 50.

Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer (No Story):

This is a game which is made for those who love interior design. You choose what your character looks like from the limited choices and then you go outside and pick a customer to work with. You do this repeatedly and each time you have a different design to follow. As you progress you can start to design places in the town which will be used by all of the animals. The reason behind why this game does not have a story to it is because it is a sub from the other animal crossing games. I think this game was made for those who have previous experience with the animal crossing games or have a general interest with designing things.

Games with stories usually grab the players attention more than games without stories. However, games such as ARK: Survival Evolved hook players in with no story and it is still an early access game.The reason behind why this game is so popular is due to the sheer amount of leveling in which is involved which allows your player to progress. Also it is an open world game filled with unrealistic ideas of people being able to tame dinosaurs and ride them. Survival/Open world games are very popular, one of the most popular survival games is Minecraft. It is only till recently they have decided to make a story mode for this game. Other games with no stories are casual games. Casual games are games such as Candy Crush Saga, Tetris, Pac-Man, Angry Birds etc. These games are most commonly found on mobile devices and engage the player for roughly 5-15 minutes. 

Task Three:

The difference between stories in games and films is that in games you are able to play out the story and be involved. Also within story games you have choices to make so this then manipulates the story. A popular manipulative story game is until dawn. The way the story plays out is due to your choice, the game uses the butterfly effect.
Many games have been developed into films; Hitman, Halo, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Max Payne etc. Some of these films are very successful whereas others seem to not create the same atmosphere. I believe that the Resident Evil films are very successful, they stick to the main theme of zombies and the films story is interesting. 

Task Four:

Linear stories are stories in which start right at the beginning, move slowly to the middle and then finish where it is suppose to end. It follows a straight line.
Non-Linear stories are stories where the reader/viewer/player is thrown into the middle of the story and then thrown back to the beginning or just put into different parts of the story. A book which follows a non-linear storyline is English Passengers. The chapters within the book are monologues of different characters from different time periods however their stories link with a larger story. 

Psychology of Sound

(1) The Outlast:
When you have caught the attention of the enemy, the music changes to something tense and it basically tells the player to run or hide. When you hide or run away far enough the music then changes back to the original background music. The music change tells the player whether they are in a safe position or not in the game.

(2) Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
Once you have picked up a certain item it will make a sound effect of you putting that item into your bag or if you have picked up water it will make the sound effect of you collecting water in a bottle. This tells the player that they have definitely picked up the item then have just found.
Furthermore, there is a sound effect for when you have started/completed a quest which lets the player know that the quest is in play or has finished (text is included) and for when you have discovered a new town which will now appear on your map.

(3) COD series (Black ops 3)
The hit marker sound effect. We as the players know that we have shot bullets into the enemies when we hear the hit marker sound effect. We also know when we have hit a head shot as the hit marker noise is different from the generic hit marker sounds. It is a very distinctive noise. This sound can be very irritating for some players. For example, when a player considers the enemy to be dead because they have heard a certain amount of hit markers, when actually the enemy is still alive.

Mono: One Channel, output the same signal through both speakers.

 Stereo: Two Channels, output different signals to the left and right speaker.

Surround Sound: Multiple signals to multiple speakers

3D Audio: Sounds from speakers all around you, including above and below. The more of speakers you have placed around the room, more immersed you are.

Unit 73: Sound for Computer Games

Understanding Sound Design theory

1. Animal Crossing New Leaf - 1am (Music)
-Fitting for the time period
-Fitting for the game
-Would not use different music

2. Uncharted 2, Breaking and Entering
-To suit the genre of the game

3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
-Calm and Mystical
-Title screen
-Fitting for the game
-Very atmospheric

4.Final Fantasy X HD (Luca)
-Would use as background music for a city

5.Animal Crossing New Leaf - Roost Cafe
-Nice mood
-Suited instrument for the area

6. Minecraft - Collect XP sound effect
-High pitch (Usually resembles a good thing)


The reason behind why music and sound FX are important within game development is to create a fitting atmosphere for the game and to also lead the player throughout. Some of the sound FX which are used in a game help the player understand whether they are on track. For example, in the outlast, a sound effect is played when the player has achieved their objective and is ready to move on to the next one. Other sound FX are used to create atmosphere. In Amnesia: The dark decent, there are sound FX which are used to create tension. Such as the heavy breathing of your character or the hyperventilating when your character is scared.
Music is very effective when it comes to creating an atmosphere too. For example; Animal Crossing New Leaf is a calm, easy-going game. They have different music for different times of the day and each piece of music reflects the time of day really well. They use calm and happy music. For other games, music is used for different circumstances. For example, when you are battle, the music changes to something tense and then when you have won the battle, a sound effect will play which symbolise achievement.
This is a quote from the Game Audio Development book written by Aaron Marks, "Sound effects exist specifically to give feedback to players, immerse them inside the virtual realm, and provide an entertaining experience—all of which are key ingredients to a successful video game.

What is Waveform?

· The wavelength of a wave is the distance from any point on one wave to the same point on the next wave along.

· Amplitude is the size of the vibration, and this determines how loud the sound is. We have already seen that larger vibrations make a louder sound.

· Frequency is the speed of the vibration, and this determines the pitch of the sound. It is only useful or meaningful for musical sounds, where there is a strongly regular waveform.

Frequency and pitch describe the same thing, but from different viewpoints. While frequency measures the cycle rate of the physical waveform, pitch is how high or low it sounds when you hear it. This is directly related to frequency: the higher the frequency of a waveform, the higher the pitch of the sound you hear.

Hertz is the standard unit of measurement for frequency, with it being equal to one cycle per second.
Decibel Level is the degree of loudness of a sound.

Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality. These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass. Jack Foley was the man behind the art of sound effect techniques. He first started off working in the silent film era.

Timbre is the quality of the sound made by a particular voice or musical instrument

“Music can capture pretty much the entire spectrum of human emotion. It can cause one to experience profound sadness, extreme joy, anger, fear, longing or triumph. And it does all of this without relying on any external knowledge or concepts, which makes it even more powerful as a unifying agent for people from a wide variety of backgrounds.” - Oliver Sacks